Month: April 2019

Soak Up Your Stress!

Soak Up Your Stress!

Relaxation, we all need it. For most of us we live hectic lives that leave very little room to pamper ourselves, or so we think. Stop! Take care of yourself first. Relaxation can mean different things to different people. For some it could be mediation…

Decanting Wine

Decanting Wine

Can you lose something if wine is decanted too long before consuming? Answer: In two words, it depends. There are two fundamental reasons to decant a wine: 1. To provide extra aeration for a recent vintage by exposing it to the air as it is…

A Bit about Olive Oil

A Bit about Olive Oil

Like wine, extra virgin olive oil is a product of a natural fruit, the quality and character of which is largely dependent on the climate. And like the grape vine, there are a many different varieties of olive, each producing olive oils with distinctive style…